CCMHG Strategic Plan

Cape Cod Municipal Health Group (CCMHG) will promote a culture of wellness throughout its membership believing that this approach, over time, will improve quality of life of employees and retirees, improve productivity, and lower health care cost increases.

CCMHG will help its members become prudent purchasers of health services.

Goal #1: Improve/maintain health status of members

A. Obtain support and involvement from top management for health risk reduction and general health promotion efforts. i.e. create a culture of wellness at the workplace in support of desired behavioral changes.
1. Create rewards programs for the units that participate in CCMHG wellness programs
(a) increase participation in CCMHG-sponsored wellness programs by at least 10% per year for the next two years and develop tools to measure participation
2. Steering Committee to conduct educational programs for managers to make the case for them to put efforts into wellness programs and to give them tools to bargain for changes in benefits
(a) conduct one workshop per year for managers – inform about CCMHG activities and plans and about changes in the health care marketplace
B. Target members at risk (chronic diseases) for largest return on investment
1. Identify CCMHG’s greatest health risks and costs, and in partnership with vendors design and implement interventions to
(a) improve compliance with prescribed medical care and medications among diabetic population (measure by changes in medical and RX spend for diabetics pre and post program), and
(b) lower behavioral risk, ex. smoking cessation, dietary adherence, increased activity
C. Develop and carry out programs to encourage and support the general employee population to adopt and maintain behaviors that promote good health such as smoking cessation, active lifestyle, good nutrition, stress reduction
1. educational programs
2. behavioral incentive and reward programs

Goal #2: Engage employees/members in making wise health care decisions

A. Sensitize members to costs of care and understanding unnecessary and inappropriate uses of care
1. With vendors, conduct Health Care Consumerism Workshops for employees & retirees
2. Create and present exhibits and information showing employees’ and employers’ annual total costs of health plans and costs of health care visits, procedures, medications, etc.

Goal #3: Strategic use of Fund Balance

A. Annual review of the CCMHG Fund Balance Policy and utilize available fund balance surplus to lower funding rates in accordance with the policy

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